via Xbox 360 Fanboy

It has been an interesting week of leakage and speculation about the Spring dash update and we now know that it's all true. Microsoft has officially pulled back the curtains on the update's features and when we'll be getting our mitts on the all the goodies. First off, we think it'd be appropriate to recap all the big new features that the update has to offer. Without further adieu, the Spring dashboard update will feature ...
  • Windows Live Messenger IM integration.
  • More informative achievement notifications.
  • A brand new Marketplace blade with updated organization.
  • Upgraded XBLA friend interaction functionality.
  • Auto-off downloading functionality featuring low power mode.
  • Enhanced family settings for chatting.
  • Ability to watch videos while downloading off the XBLM.
  • Hundreds of other random fixes and tweaks.
Not only that, but Microsoft also announced that they'll be releasing a new QWERTY text-input peripheral (seen here) this Summer that attaches to the Xbox 360 controller. Also, Joystiq separately confirmed that the once speculated "Play Game" feature will indeed be included in the new dash update. Now no more guessing which game is in the drive. The Spring update will go live on May 7th with all the new IM integration and updated features. Full press release after the break and be sure to take a look at Joystiq or Engadget's Spring dash photo galleries.

Is there anything you think should have been included in the update or something you're specifically looking forward to? Also, will you be using the Windows Live Messenger integration through your 360? Fanboys, it's your duty to discuss!

Update 1: has more information on the other features included in the dash update including various video playback options.