via kotaku

In his weekly update, Bungie's Frankie says some big things are coming this week. You've got the two new Halo 2 multiplayer maps, Desolation and Tombstone, for $4 hitting next week. Also, there will be a new auto-update for the game, new playlists and they will be resetting all rankings.

Frankie wraps up his update by talking about the new audio for Halo 3 and then closes with some very cryptic statements about "big news."

So yeah. Big changes coming. Big changes and big news. Next week is going to be significant. Until then, enjoy this potted history of Mister Chief's evolution.
It's hard to tell if Frankie is all excited about the Halo 2 maps, the update, the ranking reset, the audio or perhaps something he didn't mention. I guess we'll find out next week when it turns out the "big news" is a picture of another weapon.