via joystiq

Let's say you're one of those who ended up with a bum 360 Guitar Hero II controller. Sure, you could return it like Red Octane suggested, but what's rock 'n' roll about letting the man care for you? Nothing, that's what. Luckily for those who rock on their own schedule, All About the Games has posted a purported fix that requires little more than opening your axe and loosening two uptight screws.

The site does state that the fix won't void your warranty, though we'll offer a reminder that you shouldn't operate on the guitar while it's plugged in. But come on, you rebels, isn't that exactly the sort of thing the man would want you to worry about? Are you going to wait for the man to pat your head and give you a lollipop or are you going to pull a Brian May and tear the fireplace out of the wall and get rocking?

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