Total War RTS series developer The Creative Assembly is looking at cross-platform play between Xbox 360 and PC with a favourable eye, CVG can reveal.

"As a games developer with an established series of games like Total War, then obviously the cross-platform potential appeals", Brendan Rogers, designer and artist on forthcoming Medieval II expansion Kingdoms told CVG.

But while the developer is taking a positive view of cross-platform play between Xbox 360 and PC, which is introduced with Games for Windows - Live next month, it's not a feature being embraced for the Total War series at this time.

Rogers explained that "bringing the Total War series to the console is not something that is on our radar right now", however he interestingly added that The Creative Assembly doesn't "see any major incompatibility issues with strategy games on the console".

Whether or not the future will witness the Total War marching to Xbox 360 and cross-platform support included for multiplayer we can but wait and see. But whatever The Creative Assembly does tackle after the Kingdoms expansion, we should be ready for it to thrill.

"We're lucky in that Total War offers few limitations in terms of the settings we can consider. We're obviously not in a position to reveal our plans for the future right now but we can certainly say that there are big and exciting Total War plans afoot", Rogers said of what's to come for the series.

via cvg