View Poll Results: Do You Believe In Aliens?

38. This poll is closed
  • Yep, intelligent ones.

    24 63.16%
  • Nope, I'm a retard.

    6 15.79%
  • Yep, but non-intelligent ones.

    7 18.42%
  • Not sure. I haven't taken any time to think about it

    1 2.63%
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Thread: Do You Believe In Aliens?

  1. #91
    The Filipino Guy kcajblue's Avatar
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    hes wrong. aliens have many colors. here is one.

  2. #92
    DCEmu Pro sourced's Avatar
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    lol. it was a joke. aliens can be red too. kidding.

  3. #93
    PSP User White_Hawk_UK's Avatar
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    I've had enough, Shadow. Seek help. Let it go now. Chill. Put the stick down. Take a deep breath and count to ten. Not everybody is as fanatical about certain things as you are, and most don't give a flying-blue-monkey at all!

    I don't know why you crave my attention so much, and while I appreciate your compliment, I neither need nor desire your approval or praise. In fact, your momentary simpering appears to be no more than a fake smile while you attempt to deliver yet more inept personal insults - something you seem to have a bad habit of. It is unbecoming, and lowers my opinion of you further. I have no interest in what your opinion is of me, nor whether you think my opinion valid - in fact, I fully expect you are incapable of accepting that any has a view but your own, as this is generally what I have come to experience from fanatics.

    Furthermore; I am not "your friend", so don't patronise me. Despite my good humour, I have little tolerance for insincerity and pathetic attempts at intimidation. I don't know you, and you certainly shouldn't presume to know me.

    Have you ever thought that the reason these are well-known topics of discussion, is because they are pertinent? The reason that people still protest about the occupation of Iraq, for instance, is because it's still f***ing occupied!

    If you're still on the religious issue, do your own investigation - the topic is not worth further discussion to me - but, if you've finally moved-on back to the topic at hand, then I can provide some interesting links to sites that are certainly informative. By no-means do I assert that this material is definitive or comprehensive, but at worst, it's an intriguing diversion.

    As I'm neither a UFO specialist, nor a researcher on your payroll, read what you want and make up your own mind. I haven't stated anything that hasn't been written about a thousand times, and I'm sure that you know how to use your local library. I am not the enthusiast now that I was when I was a child of theICE MAN's age, and I can't be bothered doing your walking for you.

    I prefer to remain open-minded, myself; agnostic re: religion, AND UFOs. My great regret, from time to time, is that freedom of religion does not guarantee freedom from religion. That is not intended as a slur, but one does tire of the subject, especially when facing outraged idignation and a tirade of abuse and spittle in the process of discussion.

    Without further ado, a few links for your perusal:

    UFO Evidence - quotes and whatnot
    The Bible UFO Connection - a popular subject. Some interesting dates, too
    UFO India - this one, again
    Historic UFOs - more, etc
    UFO Area - druidic connections?
    Project1947 - a popular year, that...
    UFOs in Earth's History - petroglyphs and cave paintings
    Alienation Sam - etc...
    ECETI - don't be fooled by the skull (explicable, and human, obviously)
    UFOpsi - and so on...
    UfOpsi again - explaining the Hynek Classification, and states "90% of UFO sightings find natural, astronomical or technological explanations the witness could not identify.". A fair assumption, I'd say.

    If you really can't sleep, and you need some more reading material, Google it for yourself. I grow weary of you - and I mean that sincerely. Whether or not I'm a troll, you are starting to be a bit of a pitbull.

    Put the teeth away and step slowly away from the leg. Good boy.

    The King: Get a life, kid.

    Ex: The information you seek, is available on my profile.

    That being said, I have more important things to do now, and persistent irritation has made this thread far less interesting to me. I can't be bothered any more. See you around the forums, people. The best of luck to you and yours - good health, good fortune, and good bye.

  4. #94
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    I never got offensive toward you, Yet, you return with no ammunition for a debate that you started, With common petty flames and insults. Based on the prior offences alone you would be banned.

    Make no mistake in crossing commonly used phrases for intimidation. " I am not a friend to you"
    I am as I always was, "A Mod allowing a " standard troller" Enough rope to hang himself with.

    And sure Enough. You hung yourself well. Congratulations.

    Pathetic attempts at intimidation. I let you slide on so many offences. You think I was being nice to you? that perhaps your the $#@! or something? That I don't deal with people like you every day?
    Sounds like you need a week to chill.

    Never, proceed to tell a mod at Dcemu how to do his job. I found your debates entertaining.
    however you candor was less then thrilling. , " I will do my job. You will stop trolling" You will understand this!

    Yet again. People mistake my soft nature and good will to hear another side of a story for weakness.,

    This one will learn his lesson.

  5. #95
    DCEmu Pro joshisposer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VampDude View Post
    Aliens exist, but I highly doubt that they are called "Aliens" by their own
    That's cause alien is a word *we* would describe them. It's pretty much a word describing them, we would call ourselves aliens either but they might, but they probably would use their own words though.

  6. #96
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sourced View Post
    its because the the christian religion is not even meant to be taken literally. this "God" that is mentioned in the bible is not a real being, he is merely a symbolism of the fact that people who believe in the christian faith should have fear of what they are doing(e.g fear of doing wrong thigs or sins) none of these evens are real, they are merely symbolisms and guides on how to act and live as a christian.

    back to topic:

    aliens are green.
    second time ive heard this in the last 2 days lol. let me quote myself--

    Quote Originally Posted by theICE_MAN
    i disagree. if you read the bible and take none of it literally then you still wont be a christian and you will gain nothing. "do not murder" well they didnt mean that right?

    these books are meant to be taken literally IN CONTEXT. use your head and figure out whats meant to be taken literally and whats an analogy. its not hard.
    now back to topic. i still dont think that space bacteria would get me too hyped up so for me the question isnt about that, its about is there intelligent ET's out there.

  7. #97
    Dreamcast User gdf's Avatar
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    i think that finding any sort of life in space in my lifetime would be quite exciting as it is still very unlikely that there are intelligent aliens anywhere near us. they are definitely out there somewhere. it's pretty much impossible they aren't.

  8. #98


    SP: Suit yourself. I stand by what I've said. A zealot will have his way, and such abuse of power is typical of your type. I accept that my previous post was provocative, but I make no excuses.

    You must be an incredible touch-typist, with your head that far up your arse. I admire that.

    Enjoy your autocracy.

  9. #99
    DCEmu Hedgehog Sonicboy 101's Avatar
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    ps: your name is spelt backwards.

  10. #100
    Dreamcast User gdf's Avatar
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    that's the point.
    also i don't think he insulted you that badly shadow...
    meh, it's not my argument.

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