View Poll Results: Do You Believe In Aliens?

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  • Yep, intelligent ones.

    24 63.16%
  • Nope, I'm a retard.

    6 15.79%
  • Yep, but non-intelligent ones.

    7 18.42%
  • Not sure. I haven't taken any time to think about it

    1 2.63%
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Thread: Do You Believe In Aliens?

  1. #61
    PSP User White_Hawk_UK's Avatar
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    First-off, I would like to admit to a little inaccuracy - not all Christians are devout creationists hell-bent on denying dinosaurs ever existed. Don't consider it a retraction - my brush is no wider than that of someone claiming that considering the possibility of extra-terrestrial life is akin to believing in ghosts.

    "You would know that christians had no choice but to fight." - that explains the crusades perfectly, along with the desecration of Egypt and the undeniable benevolence of Constantine, countless burnings at the stake... look, I really don't feel like writing a novel here. Thanks for clearing that one up, though.

    "...because christians tend to be forgiving and peaceful..." - I have never suffered from such a delusion.

    As for theICE MAN, I don't think any amount of research will debunk my assertion that Christianity hi-jacked older festivals. Rather than argue this, perhaps there is a greater revelation that might interest you: the Romans didn't stand crosses up on their ends - crucifixions were made with a cross like an "X", and the crucified were normally hung upside down. The symbol that Christians use nowadays was actually far older - it was a symbol used to ward-off bad spirits. Get this; it was used by Pagans long before Christ was hung upside down on his "X". The age-old, upright symbol was easy to adopt, as it meant that those who were converted could hold onto something familiar.

    "i believe you are thinking of catholicism buddy" - seeing as all this occurred before Henry VIII splintered Christianity from the Catholic Church, then yes, you'd be right there. Thanks for agreeing with me.

    Beyond that, theICE MAN, I have little interest in arguing with those who will hear no argument. I really have expressed about as much as I ever wanted to on this subject.

    To clarify: a poster pointed out that to believe in aliens was stupid, and that there was more proof of Christianity. I found the wording amusing, and decided to agree that there was indeed, plenty of evidence of "Christianity".

    I also thought it amusing that ET theorists might be declared stupid by one with equally questionable beliefs.

    In essence, tolerance is a two-way street, and to bandy words while showing a closed mind to any possibilities but the ones they were indoctrinated with - to show not one spark of critical thought - is a demonstration of the very ignorance that makes freedom of belief impossible in the first place.

    Shadow - your point is taken, and I have admitted to using a "tone" in my post. Of course, I find great amusement in all this, but I sometimes forget how easily a fanatic can be offended by a reasonable argument. I shall measure my tone in future.

  2. #62
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by White_Hawk_UK View Post
    First-off, I would like to admit to a little inaccuracy - not all Christians are devout creationists hell-bent on denying dinosaurs ever existed. Don't consider it a retraction - my brush is no wider than that of someone claiming that considering the possibility of extra-terrestrial life is akin to believing in ghosts.

    "You would know that christians had no choice but to fight." - that explains the crusades perfectly, along with the desecration of Egypt and the undeniable benevolence of Constantine, countless burnings at the stake... look, I really don't feel like writing a novel here. Thanks for clearing that one up, though.

    "...because christians tend to be forgiving and peaceful..." - I have never suffered from such a delusion.

    As for theICE MAN, I don't think any amount of research will debunk my assertion that Christianity hi-jacked older festivals. Rather than argue this, perhaps there is a greater revelation that might interest you: the Romans didn't stand crosses up on their ends - crucifixions were made with a cross like an "X", and the crucified were normally hung upside down. The symbol that Christians use nowadays was actually far older - it was a symbol used to ward-off bad spirits. Get this; it was used by Pagans long before Christ was hung upside down on his "X". The age-old, upright symbol was easy to adopt, as it meant that those who were converted could hold onto something familiar.

    "i believe you are thinking of catholicism buddy" - seeing as all this occurred before Henry VIII splintered Christianity from the Catholic Church, then yes, you'd be right there. Thanks for agreeing with me.

    Beyond that, theICE MAN, I have little interest in arguing with those who will hear no argument. I really have expressed about as much as I ever wanted to on this subject.

    To clarify: a poster pointed out that to believe in aliens was stupid, and that there was more proof of Christianity. I found the wording amusing, and decided to agree that there was indeed, plenty of evidence of "Christianity".

    I also thought it amusing that ET theorists might be declared stupid by one with equally questionable beliefs.

    In essence, tolerance is a two-way street, and to bandy words while showing a closed mind to any possibilities but the ones they were indoctrinated with - to show not one spark of critical thought - is a demonstration of the very ignorance that makes freedom of belief impossible in the first place.

    Shadow - your point is taken, and I have admitted to using a "tone" in my post. Of course, I find great amusement in all this, but I sometimes forget how easily a fanatic can be offended by a reasonable argument. I shall measure my tone in future.
    you still have no clue dude. catholicism is NOT christian. dont try and tell me that we both started from the same group because we didnt. catholicism branched off from the Babylonian church not judainic messaism(mispelled lol)

    and how do you figure that im close minded? i just offered a doctrine combining science and religion and yet im closed minded?

    sure catholicism and christianity are often called the same by people who dont know their beliefs but if you take the time, oh say 5 minutes, you'l see they're COMPLETELY different.

    and whats your point about the cross? that we draw the wrong shape in our portraits? fyi we arent even supposed to make images of jesus in the first place.

    all of your claims are against catholics so take it up with them and leave the christians be.

  3. #63

  4. #64
    PSP User White_Hawk_UK's Avatar
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    *gasp* *choke* ...sorry, theICE MAN, you'll have to stop there - I might die laughing! If such a distinction exists, then Christianity is what... a couple of hundred years old? I suppose, as the Bible was written more than two centuries after Christ died, that sort of time-scale is of little relevance...

    I am of the opinion, getting back to the ET argument, that if intelligent extra-terrestrial life does exist, and if they have developed to the point of inter-stellar (nay, inter-galactic) traversal, then there is little question that once they encountered Earth, they would most likely never return!

    I mean, when you're in a bad neighbourhood, do you think to yourself, "nice place, I might come back here and molest a few cattle"?

    No, we're the no-go zone of the universal community - the object of curtain-twitches and doorstep whispering in the next solar system. We are the "trailer-trash" of the universe, and all that we've got coming is an eviction and demolition order.

    Who hasn't read HHGTTG here? If you have to ask what that means, just say "me".

  5. #65
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    If you may have noticed, I'm staying out of this one.

  6. #66
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by White_Hawk_UK View Post
    *gasp* *choke* ...sorry, theICE MAN, you'll have to stop there - I might die laughing! If such a distinction exists, then Christianity is what... a couple of hundred years old? I suppose, as the Bible was written more than two centuries after Christ died, that sort of time-scale is of little relevance...

    your ignorant. your saying that if christianity is differnt from catholicism then its only a couple hundred years old? juddianic messiasm(mispelled) was the first form of christianity and it began only months after jesus died.

    the bible was written two centuries after christ? now your just making stuff up.. the old testament was written BEFORE christ and the new testament was right after. all the gospels were written about 70 years at the most after his death. we know this because none of them mention the destruction of the temple which occurred in 70 ad.

    if you have any FACTS you wanna throw at me go ahead.

  7. #67
    PSP User White_Hawk_UK's Avatar
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    What that has to do with extra-terrestrials, I don't know... *giggle*

    EDIT: OH! Hang on! Yes, of course! God is not technically "of this Earth", so therefore, he's an extra-terrestrial!! I get your point. Well said!

  8. #68
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theICE_MAN View Post
    the bible was written two centuries after christ? now your just making stuff up.. the old testament was written BEFORE christ and the new testament was right after. all the gospels were written about 70 years at the most after his death. we know this because none of them mention the destruction of the temple which occurred in 70 ad.
    I didn't know that one.

  9. #69
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    you attacked christianity with false claims and i defended it. if you stop attacking i'll stop defending.

    EX- sorry for hi-jacking your thread but im not going to let people bash my beliefs based on what they think i believe or on they're stereotypical perception of christianity based on what they saw on tv.

  10. #70
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theICE_MAN View Post
    EX- sorry for hi-jacking your thread but im not going to let people bash my beliefs based on what they think i believe or on they're stereotypical perception of christianity based on what they saw on tv.
    Hey, it's alright. Doesn't bother me.

    I hate people that stereotype other people. I know most Christians aren't like that.

    But, we alien believers are stereotyped too. They make us look like we're insane people. That must be our government doing that.

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