View Poll Results: Do You Believe In Aliens?

38. This poll is closed
  • Yep, intelligent ones.

    24 63.16%
  • Nope, I'm a retard.

    6 15.79%
  • Yep, but non-intelligent ones.

    7 18.42%
  • Not sure. I haven't taken any time to think about it

    1 2.63%
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Thread: Do You Believe In Aliens?

  1. #21
    DCEmu Rookie eatnooM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ExcruciationX View Post
    Traveling the speed of light is a waste. There's too many draw backs, including your mass would get very large, and you would travel 100s of years into the future.

    I think the best way to do it is to figure out how to travel to a different dimension. Then, we can start exploring.
    Without going on about alternate dimensions and whatnot, you're understating a little on the special relativity front

    EDIT: Where's the "Yeah, but **** knows what they'd be like" option? ^^

  2. #22
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Default Don't read this if you favor the idea that time travel is possible.

    I think science fiction has distorted many a persons understanding of what a dimension is.

    people have these fantastic notions of other parallel worlds that co reside with our own, possibly counter us, yet, in another plane that we are unable to access.

    A basic understanding of mathematics and common since would tell one many truths.
    If they could only accept the truth once it where presented to them.
    We live in the third dimension. That being height width and depth. 3d.
    The second dimension only representing height and width.
    and the first only representing one of those three characteristics.
    These are the dimensions of physical reality. And in such we need them to live.
    If one where magically able to travel to another dimension, what happens when they land in a dimension that doesn't support the three necessary ones they need to exists?

    "ouch, height and width , but no depth= would most certainly equal death"

    Some people even believe that gravity " like that of a black hole found at the center of every galaxy"
    because of its inconceivable power can warp and distort time, That also is a misconception.
    Time is not a tangible object, In fact time is only a conception we humans conceived to measure the passage of natural deterioration of mass. (everything has a beginning and end, what's new will eventually become worn out and old. what's old will eventually cease) and time is merely an idea or perception imposed on us, a form of measurement if you will, " could we really possess the power to travel through an intangible form of measurement?
    When we have such theories as "time travel is possible", when its well known that time is just an intangible measurement. An idea that masks a concept that we truly have no understanding of.

    Time travel will never be possible, That's why its important to live each day like its your last, Because you never know what tomorrow will bring.

    Since the beginning of modern science people have always been prone to fantasies, and at every turn someone is always taking the easy way out. This theory cant be proven wrong as we don't have the power to wield a black hole or the technology to achieve the speed of light. So therefore,
    Light speed travel must allow us to travel in circles so fast we would meet ourselves, and black holes instead of natures gravitational death traps, Must be portals to other worlds and times.

    Science sure does have a long way to go before its grown up. You can clearly see this in some of the almost child like ideas pseudo science spouts off today.

    Einstein believed that if one could travel fast enough they could travel through time.

    But the laws of motion in its basic principal state that once an object is moved its not in the same place it was. so even if you could move as the speed of light your not going to run into yourself, "because there you are in the present" The same place you have always been and always will be.
    at the very least you would find a streak of light much akin to a vapor trail, and that's it.

    Not to be an ass or anything. But I truly hope i've dashed a few dreams with this post.
    The ever practical SP.

  3. #23
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    I agree with you, SP.

    When there's a will, there's a way. Of course, I won't live to see it, and our race probably won't see it either.

  4. #24
    DCEmu Rookie eatnooM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowprophet View Post
    Einstein believed that if one could travel fast enough they could travel through time.

    Ambiguity ftw :]

  5. #25
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eatnooM View Post

    Ambiguity ftw :]
    lol I like that, :thumbup:

    The natural progression of time is the only form of time travel conceivable

  6. #26
    PSP User White_Hawk_UK's Avatar
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    Scenario one: God created us.
    Outcome: All life in the universe is on Earth, and everything revolves around it, because um... it's all there for us to marvel at... or something.

    Scenario two: We evolved.
    Outcome: Probability dictates that it is extremely unlikely that we are alone, and that there is certainly intelligent life out there.

    Scenario three: Aliens did it.
    Outcome: The Earth is a goldfish bowl; we just haven't noticed yet. There's nothing to marvel at, as it's all just cheap furnishing in some great cosmic apartment.

    My opinion on faster-than-light travel: Einie was dead-on. Nothing with mass exceeds the speed of light... or technically, even comes close to it.
    Solution: Negate mass! Warp has problems, but it's less implausible than FTL travel.

    Time travel: Time is an abstract concept, as insubstantial as the number zero, though probably conceived of much earlier than 'zero' was.
    IMO: You might alter the rate at which you traverse time, but there's no reverse. Please keep limbs inside at all times, and wait for the ride to come to a complete stop before getting off.

    I hope that wasn't too disruptive... *scarper*

  7. #27


    Like everyone else has said, there has to be other intelligent life forms in this universe.

  8. #28
    DCEmu Old Pro SSaxdude's Avatar
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    People who believe in aliens are on the same level as people who believe in ghosts/near death experiences/talking to the dead/conspiracy theories in my book.

  9. #29
    PSP User White_Hawk_UK's Avatar
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    So your opinion is that Earth harbours the only life in the universe, against all the odds, and that we got here by some cosmic accident that, despite the incomprehensibly vast numbers of other viable planets throughout the universe, has not happened anywhere else; not in the billions of years longer that the universe has existed than this humble little solar system? o.O

  10. #30
    DCEmu Pro joshisposer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrooksyX View Post
    I don't believe in aliens because it goes against my beliefs but I do think about it sometimes. The universe is a huge place and to think we are the only ones in such a huge space. If the universe was a person the earth would be like one tiny cell in the its huge body. So basically I don't believe in them but I haven't completely ruled out the possibility.
    I'm sorry, i just don't like that. When a religion/belief holds you back to what you actually believe in. I think a child should decide what religion he believes in the most and maybe have the parents help him. Religion is too wacky where it actually tries to change the way you want to think to the point where you don't want to believe it because of your beliefs, not because of what you think is true.

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