View Poll Results: Do You Believe In Aliens?

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  • Yep, intelligent ones.

    24 63.16%
  • Nope, I'm a retard.

    6 15.79%
  • Yep, but non-intelligent ones.

    7 18.42%
  • Not sure. I haven't taken any time to think about it

    1 2.63%
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Thread: Do You Believe In Aliens?

  1. #51
    PSP User White_Hawk_UK's Avatar
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    Proof of Christianity? A cult that collated generations of fables and beliefs from a multitude of cultures, hi-jacked various pagan festivals (Christmas, Easter, etc), and then violently and mercilessly oppressed all other belief systems and non-conforming cultures within its field of influence. Yeah, sure, there's more proof of Christianity than there will ever be of God.

    Something that amuses me no end is the idea that someone (especially an adult) who believes an omnipotent deity created the universe in seven days, and that Satan planted dinosaur bones to confuse us (or that God did it for some sick joke or test of faith) can so easily dismiss even the undeniable possibility of life beyond our solar system.

    It's a bit like saying "there's no tooth fairy... Santa says so".

    Really, I'd laugh more if it wasn't so chronically sad.

  2. #52
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Default What an imus move

    The fact of the matter is, That unintelligence rears its ugly head every day.
    The irony of that is. it usually shows itself in the form of someone else trying to belittle others to make there selves feel superior. This in itself is a cry for attention, showing a contempt and loathing for a belief that they do not share. so, much like a child in full tantrum mode "they lash out". showing their childish intellect in all its glory.

    It's a sad state of affairs to be sure. However, Im not content allowing someone to slander someone's entire way of life, and yet there only punishment be that "their stupidity shows"
    No. intolerance like that calls for something more severe.
    There is a difference between sharing ones opinion, And sinking ones self down to the level of a pissed off three year old that didn't get in his full nap time..
    If you don't believe in christianity, that's all fine and good. But when someone insults a members intelligence based solely on their spiritual beliefs. Thats not.

    The only thing worth intolerance is intolerance itself.

  3. #53
    PSP User White_Hawk_UK's Avatar
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    Who insulted your beliefs? I certainly didn't.

    If a statement of fact (albeit, with a bit of a tone) is insulting to you, then perhaps you have not the conviction of your beliefs.

    I suggest you read-up a bit on the real history of Christianity and the bloody rampage that gave it its roots. If you like, I can provide you with some interesting insights into a religion I probably know more about than you do - and I by no means wish to come across as some sort of irreverent smart-a**e, but I read these things called 'books'. They're a bit like your bible - many are a number of otherwise loosely-connected stories collated under a single title. Many are factual representations. Many others still, are just exercises in fiction.

    I have read the bible. I think the butler did it.

    Basically, all I did was agree that there is, indeed, irrefutable "proof of Christianity" while stating my reasons. I regret if that causes you offence, but you should understand that my views and beliefs are no less valid than yours, and I will not apologise for them.

    If your belief system dictates that my views and beliefs should be opressed, then I would have to question the message of 'tolerance' that has become a very, very recent edict of Christianity.

    Here's a question for you: if I don't defend my belief system with violence, righteous outrage, or the taking of life (mine or others), does that mean that my beliefs are due less protection than yours? Should I have less right to feel insulted simply because I don't scream "heretic"!?

    If this is the sort of community where the nature of my posts to this thread lead to a ban, then I think it safe to say I'm better off out of it.

    That being said, I respect people regardless of their beliefs, but I was making a point. I get the impression that you missed it. That's not unexpected. :P *cheeky, charming, disarming grin* <---sometimes, this grin thing works, you know...

  4. #54
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    You have no idea who your talking too. with all modesty I can say I most likely know more about biblical history then anyone else whom has ever graced these forums.

    history, Is based on factual evidence, If you had read absolutely any world history dated to the time.
    You would know that christians had no choice but to fight.

    We where labeled heretics and marked for death. We lived in caves and feared for our family's and our lives.

    Any man. Christian or no. will defend his family to the point of death or killing others that would threaten the life of our family's. Its not only biblical. Its every mans Duty to defend his family " with his life if necessary"

    People see televangelists on tv preaching their soft spoken turn the other cheek theories and get the impression that christians are these weak little wash away hippies with the integrity of a mon chi chi.

    Well, before you enlighten us on all the blood we Christians spilled. Why don't you go back and read up on why we did that?

    in those times. We where sought out and killed on sight. We where marked as heretics that shunned the laws of Judaism, We where ruthlessly sought out and killed, Our wives and daughters $#@!d before our very eyes.

    People think that because christians tend to be forgiving and peaceful. that we will sit back and pray while the enemy comes in and $#@!s kills our family's.

    Before you Quote history. YOu need the full story. Every war that has ever been has sported two sides. instead of reading one side of a story, Why don't you hit up a library sometime.

    * this isnt about anger and im not going to bann you. However If you would choose the way you got your opinions about christianity across a little more, I dunno, Less offencively. That would be great in the future.

  5. #55
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by White_Hawk_UK View Post
    Proof of Christianity? A cult that collated generations of fables and beliefs from a multitude of cultures, hi-jacked various pagan festivals (Christmas, Easter, etc), and then violently and mercilessly oppressed all other belief systems and non-conforming cultures within its field of influence. Yeah, sure, there's more proof of Christianity than there will ever be of God.

    Something that amuses me no end is the idea that someone (especially an adult) who believes an omnipotent deity created the universe in seven days, and that Satan planted dinosaur bones to confuse us (or that God did it for some sick joke or test of faith) can so easily dismiss even the undeniable possibility of life beyond our solar system.

    It's a bit like saying "there's no tooth fairy... Santa says so".

    Really, I'd laugh more if it wasn't so chronically sad.
    you dont have a clue what your talking about. not one part of that is correct at all. christianity hi-jacked other cults and pagan festivals? not even close. i believe you are thinking of catholicism buddy. also they accepted all these holidays and practices that i dont follow.

    who told you that god made the earth in seven days? just go there first post will explain it.

    also satan planted dinosaur bone? wow thats a no comment.

  6. #56
    DCEmu Old Pro SnesR0X's Avatar
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    how do christians explain that there's donisaur bones though?

  7. #57
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    there were dinosaurs then they died.

    EDIT: read the first post--

  8. #58
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    The fact of the matter about dinosaur bones, is that people think we christians believe "Time began" when the events in "Genesis" took place. however it's widely accepted and known that in Greek and Hebrew. The language the bible was written in. " Genesis" means " Made New"
    The earth had been Created "" and destroyed" Before the events in Genesis even took place.

    " and the "earth" was void and without form"

    Why was it called " The Earth" And yet It was Void and without form.

    People Have no concept "That God Is a creator" Its his First title. And As such Like any creator.
    "or even an artiest" They will scrap a project if it doesn't turn out like they had wanted.
    The bible speaks of one such destruction of the earth " with the story of noah.
    However reading in the old testament. One can learn many things.
    The flood wasn't the first time the Earth was destroyed. It's even widely theorized that in fact the earth had been created and destroyed many times before The events in genesis took place.

    How could something be "Void-Empty" and without form, Unless it was destroyed?
    If it was in the process of being created for the very first time. The Words Void and without form would not apply.
    Think about it.

  9. #59
    DCEmu Old Pro SnesR0X's Avatar
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    well theICE_MAN, that goes against most of the christian communitey but whatever

  10. #60
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    ive often wondered about that particular phrasing. it makes some sense. i think i'll look into that one.

    i find it funny that a lot people think christian means "simple minded person who disregards science" lol. of course no one here says that.

    EDIT: my post on the other thread goes against most christians? most christians arent christians. i am no respecter of man and i dont care if people disagree with the truth. genesis's use of the word day was simply a marker for separating unprescribed amounts of time. with that fact you can line up creationism and the "science" of how things came about quite well.

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