A Nintendo distributor has let slip some juicy new info about the Wii Music and Health Packs that Miyamoto has been teasing us with since the E3 show last year, which appear to suggest the coming of a new Wii Health channel.

Speaking to Greek site, Contra.gr (linked with babelfish translation), the CEO of Greek Nintendo distributor Nordec Multimedia, George Katrinakis, revealed that the Wii Health Pack will have users perform exercises, and "biometric elements" will be gathered and sent to hospitals contracted by Nintendo "via the corresponding channel that will exist in the Wii". Sounds like a new Wii Channel to us.

Speaking about the Wii Music Pack, he went on to uncover that it will allow players to use different instruments, presumably with clever use of the Wii Remote's motion control.

He also said, according to the rough babelfish translation, that players will be able to create their own musical compositions and send them to others via the internet.

A Nintendo UK correspondent told CVG there had been "no official new details" issued by the company.

No official release date has been set for either packs.

via cvg