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Thread: Microsoft: We're seeing increased demand for Office 365

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    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Microsoft: We're seeing increased demand for Office 365

    Microsoft has released its fourth quarter results, revealing the firm has made a quarterly revenue of $19.90 billion and saw a increase in demand for services.
    Along with an increase in consumer demand for Office 365,, Skype and Xbox Live, Microsoft also saw its Business Division revenue grow 14 per cent in the fourth quarter.
    "We continue to see strong demand for our enterprise products and services, with more and more customers making long-term commitments to the Microsoft platform," said Kevin Turner, chief operating officer at Microsoft. "The growing adoption of our cloud services, including Office 365, Windows Azure and Dynamics CRM, continues to demonstrate our leadership position in the cloud."
    Yesterday, PCR reported that Microsoft admitted it was 18 months behind where it wanted to be with its Windows 8 and 8.1 tablets. In today’s financial report, Steve Ballmer touches on what the firm has in store for the devices.
    "We are working hard to deliver compelling new devices and high value experiences from Microsoft and our partners in the coming months, including new Windows 8.1 tablets and PCs," he said.

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