The Entertainment Software Rating Board has leaked its share of games before they were officially announced, but now it appears to have some company from an international counterpart. As spotted by German-language site Xbox-Archiv, the Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle this week released a rating for Prince of Persia Classic on the Xbox 360.

How long ago did this come out? Man, talk about the sands of time...
As one would expect, the listing pegs Ubisoft as the game's publisher and the game as an action adventure. The rating board determined that the game is appropriate for ages 12 and up. Given the "classic" moniker and the fact that the game was only rated on the Xbox 360 when Ubisoft's new installments in the series have been multiplatform affairs, it seems more likely this is an Xbox Live Arcade edition of series creator Jordan Mechner's original Prince of Persia computer game.

As of this writing, an Ubisoft representative had not returned GameSpot's request for comment.

via gamespot