Yes, you read that right. A game is in development that will aid the search for the cure to cancer. In your face, The Mirror.
Cancer Research UK has called in mobile developer Guerilla Tea to create a game that will identify new causes for cancer, thus accelerating research into potential cures.
The object of the game, currently under the working title GeneGame, will be to analyse real gene data from Cancer Research UK.
It will be released in the UK later this year and draws on ideas from the GameJam event Cancer Research UK held back in March.
Cancer Research UK has already attempted a similar initiative with Cell Slider, an website launched last October that asks users to classify archived breast cancer samples.
Over 200,000 people have already made 1.6m classifications through Cell Slider. According to the charity, it would have taken its scientist 18 months to analyse the same information.
Cancer Research UK's director of science information Dr Joanna Reynolds added: "With GeneGame, we are being bolder, braver and bigger and we hope that by the end of the year we'll have a game that not only is fun to play but will crucial role in developing new cancer cures sooner – ultimately saving lives."