Total Annihilation, Battlezone, Moonbase Commander and others sold off to new owners

Wargaming, Rebellion and Stardock have all claimed Atari IP in the continued auction of Atari IPs.
Official documents from a New York court show that Wargaming, the Belarus studio responsible for World of Tanks, has successfully claimed two Atari IPs: SimTex’s Master of Orion and CaveDog’s strategy series Total Annihilation.

Rebellion successfully bid on the Battlezone and Moonbase Commander franchises, while Stardock Systems is set to acquire the rights to Star Control.
Other successful bidders included Epic Gear for the Backyard Sports franchise and Tommo, which made bids for Math Gran Prix, Humungous and Fatty Bear’s Birthday Surprise.
Wargaming recently acquired Gas Powered Games, which is in fact led by CaveDog-founder Chris Taylor, so there may yet be new developments regarding that particular IP.