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Thread: Does anyone else get game back-log?

  1. #1

    Default Does anyone else get game back-log?

    A game comes out that you've been waiting months for, a week later another title comes out that you've been dying to play. Eventually you have a back-log of games that are half completed. Anyone else have this problem?
    It may be because I have too much spare money floating about (I love student grants), but I never get on-top of the situation. I promised myself I wouldn't buy Harvest Moon DS until I'd cleared some of the back-log up, I didn't finish anything but I still bought it :P Depressing.
    My uncle is going away to the US and A for a couple of weeks and said he'd pick me up a copy of Pokemon Diamond (Not to go off topic but they are such gay names). Anywho, I've now got a lengthy list of games I like that I have yet to finish. Ahem:

    Final Fantasy 3 - Literally on the last level, all the side bosses beat except for the extra dungeon.

    Castlevania DoS - I've finished normal and almost finished hard. I can get the worst ending at the moment.

    Castlevania PoR - I haven't even started it!

    Harvest Moon DS - Making steady progress.

    Contact - Can't remember. I got a fair way through but Final Fantasy came through the post and I stopped playing it.

    Starfox DS - About 3 levels in and I just stopped playing it

    Metroid DS - About half way through again.

    Age of Empires 3 - Finished the first stage of missions

    Theme Park DS - Almost finished the 3rd set of countries.

    Zoo Tycoon DS - Very near the end but got bored.

    Final Fire Pro Wrestling - (For anyone thats played it) I haven't yet won MOR mode but I have unlocked a lot of wrestlers. I do have an illegally patched copy but I thought it was fair considering I bought FPW, FPW2 and FPWA.

    Yikes thats bad. I'm going to go through them mythodically and finish them, but I've never had back-log this bad on any other system. With PS1/2 I'd finsih one game before buying another, same with GBA, Megadrive, SNES etc Maybe it's a way of me making up for when I had an Atari and Amastard and havd about 8 games between the two.

    I have followed through with some games however. I've completed Resident Evil DS, Animal Crossing, Marvel Nemesis, Burnout, Micro Machines V4, Mario Kart, Wario Ware and Mario 64.

    Oh well, wish me luck. :thumbup:

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
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    My unfinished game list has been stretching away from me since the early 80's :P

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    I'm everyvhere, and novhere
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    i have been like that but in one game, pokemon. I would train one pokemon then i would stop and go train another.

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