31 million smartphones sold is a new quarterly record, but Apple's revenues were flat while profits and tablet sales dipped

Established in 1976, Apple is a multinational corporation (corporate headquarters based in California)...

Depending on how one wants to make the numbers sound, Apple sales were up either $300 million for its last quarter, or less than 1 percent year-over-year. The company today announced its results for the third fiscal quarter (three months ended June 29), showing revenues rose the aforementioned amount to $35.3 billion, up from $35 billion in the same period the year prior.
Despite the uptick in sales, profits for the company were down. Apple reported $6.9 billion in net income, down from $8.824 billion the year before.
Sales of the iPhone were particularly strong, with Apple reporting a new record for the quarter with 31 million iPhones sold, up from 26 million year-over-year. The iPad did not fare as well, as Apple sold 14.6 million tablets for the quarter, down from 17 million over the same stretch of 2012. Mac sales also dipped slightly, from 4 million to 3.8 million.
Apple left the door open for a strong finish to the year, providing revenue guidance between $34 billion and $37 billion for the fourth quarter, which ends September 29. Last year the company reported its best fourth quarter sales ever, which came in just under $36 billion.
