SNK will begin its Wii Virtual Console onslaught this summer with Neo Geo classics set to make their way onto the download service.

SNK president, Ben Herman, told IGN: "We're aiming for a worldwide release, so that it's available for all regions at once. As far as the date, we're looking to start releasing games around mid-summer of this year."

Herman detailed plans to bring a consistent flow of Neo Geo games to the VC on a monthly basis. "We don't want it to be sporadic with one game here, and two or three over the next few months. We really want to have a flow where there are a couple of games available each month, and we'll keep adding to the library that way," he explained.

Which games will SNK bring to the Wii first? Herman wasn't specific, but did say the company would "go through the entire library finding games that consumers want and that we feel have enough support", with prices planned to sit just above Super NES games, which cost 800 Wii Points (roughly £6).

via cvg