The Gameboy Advance emu for Dos and windows was updated, heres whats new:

<BLOCKQUOTE>17th May 2005 - version 2.1
• multicart: remove_machine: also unloads associated ROM, unless memory shared
• multicart: load into machine; if none such: allocate new machine(s)
• multicart: cartloader target selectable (specific machine, or all machines)
• help: added various NDS chapters, 2D video, memory map & control, arm9 I/O map
• help: described NDS cartridge header & protocol with some new details
• cpu: handles CP15 system control coprocessor opcodes and Cn,Cm,N registers
• debug: disassembler supports all copro opcodes, assembler all except ldc/stc
• help: cleaned up coprocessor operand names (Pn,Cn instead P#,CRn,etc.)
• help: corrected sprites/scanline formula (10+n*2 per n pix, not 26 per 8 pix)
• shareware: changed decrypter extension (microsoft declared .prg as virus)</BLOCKQUOTE>

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