Bethesda has opened its Fallout 3 forum, opening the gate on the official internet place where fans can discuss the sequel till their hair falls out from radiation.

The developer's still keeping Fallout 3 under wraps as it beavers away on it at its HQ, but it's not kept completely quiet about project.

Recently Bethesda's Pete Hines said of the sequel that "not everybody is going to agree with the game we're making", telling PC Zone magazine "some folks just aren't going to give it a

Hines went on to explain that the Bethesda team are all big Fallout fans and that the studio feels it's doing Fallout 3 "having done one and two, even thought we didn't".

"Much like The Elder Scrolls, we look at what worked, we look at what didn't; we look at where we want to take it, how to move it forward and keep it relevant", he continued.

"But we also want to stay true to the stuff people remember and took to heart in Fallout, which were the kinds of quests you did, the choices that were laid before you, the way the game would play differently depending on how you were role-playing and the setting... That sort of stuff."

via cvg