Rising Star development director Yasuhiro Wada has told Eurogamer that a Nintendo Wii version of GameCube title Harvest Moon: Magical Melody is in development.

"We are working on a European version of Magical Melody for the Wii," Wada said in an interview published today.

His comment led to a short argument with his PR minders about whether we were meant to know that, after which Rising Star's Richard Barclay clarified the matter.

"We haven't received official confirmation from Nintendo that Rising Star will be a Wii publisher, and we haven't told Nintendo we've told anybody that we'll be releasing Magical Melody, which was a GameCube game, as a Wii game," he explained.

Still, we're sure they'll be fine with it. After all, Magical Melody is our favourite game in the long-running Harvest Moon series, which grew recently to include DS and PSP instalments.

Wada's team is also working on a new Wii title, which is due out in Japan later this year, called Harvest Moon: Tree of Peace. What a lovely name!

via eurogamer