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Thread: Goldeneye: Source port to Dreamcast. Possibility?

  1. #1
    DCEmu Regular
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    Default Goldeneye: Source port to Dreamcast. Possibility?

    i had an idea if it was possible for a online game remake of the ever brilliant Goldeneye64 Goldeneye: Source port for Dreamcast?

    i know its not yet completed and its in its BETA stage, and not to forget to mention that the specs for it are way higher for the Dreamcast to handle, but also wondering if it is possible to dumb it down to the full pwer that the Dreamcast console can handle.

    it would be a very interesting if this could ever happen and what aspects this could spark as well too.

    its a mod of Half Life 2 just to let people know, and i assume anyone can make adjustments to it also.

    i am willing to learn anything that could help make this happen and even a better product as well, like i really want to know how to model with 3DS Max and make photorealistic models as well with characters. even redo the engine to make it run on the Unreal Engine as well.

    but even if that will mean rewriting, lets forget about that and on to the main thing which is basically, is it possible to have it ported?

    please share your thoughts and so we could all know if this is possible.


  2. #2


    You've already created a thread on this exact issue. There's no need to create another:

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