via cvg

Mortal Kombat creator Ed Boon has explained that his next game is "going to be a real serious Mortal Kombat" in an interview with CVG.

Speaking about what's coming after Armageddon with us earlier in the week, he said the new title will be "a lot more realistic-looking... we're not going to joke around in this one, it's not going to be like jokes".

It suggests a more edgy style for the next Mortal Kombat game, Boon reaffirming that it'll be "a lot grittier, dirtier" than previous titles in the series.

"It's going to be a fighting game, definitely, but after that anything can go", he added, talking about the fact that he's starting from scratch for the new game.

"We're not putting any restrictions like we HAVE to keep weapons or we HAVE to keep fighting styles and stuff like that... we're going to... try to introduce as many new characters as possible, new features, new stuff like that and take advantage of the amazing presentation, graphics that all of a sudden you can do, things that are a lot more real."

He also revealed his team is "trying to take advantage" of the motion-sensing features of the PS3 controller and the hardware of the new console generation in general and "do the most we can with them".

"It's probably not going to come out until then end of 2008," Boon said about a release date for the new Mortal Kombat game, adding that a first full reveal is still likely around a year away.