via kotaku

There are many people out there excited over the launch of Microsofts fancy new Elite 360. GamePro however, is not one of them. They have put together a little article with their eight reasons why the Elite 360 isn't so elite after all. I agree with some of their gripes about the new system such as not including built in wireless networking and still having to purchase the HD DVD player separately, but some of the other reasons seem a bit ridiculous.

The one that sticks out the most for me is "It's still cheaper than the PS3." With all the complaining everyone has done about the price of the PS3, I don't see how this could possibly seen as a bad thing. I don't know that I'll be running out to get an Elite 360, but somehow, I don't think that the fact that it's cheaper than a PS3 is going to be a huge deterrent.

One of the other objections has to do with the color of the system. Apparently, GamePro prefers things white in their game world, which is all well and good for them. Personally, I like the fact that it's coming out in black since it will match my TV and other media devices better. But then again, I'm a sucker for color coordination. I tried to imagine my various electronic devices all in matching white and it was not pretty. It looked something like the Milk Bar in Clockwork Orange, which sounds cool, but I don't think I'm ready to go there. Besides, the whole jock strap on the outside of your clothes look just isn't for me.