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Thread: Genesisplusdc Problem

  1. #1

    Default Genesisplusdc Problem

    I finally figured out how to burn my sbi's and to make a cdi but now when i put the disk in the dreamcast and start my inducer, i go to a black screen where all the names of my games are there but i can't play any of them. across the to is some type of configuration setup(buttons,sound, language,etc) how do i get pass this screen?

  2. #2


    Hm, seems the names of the ROMs listed in your ROMS.TXT don't match those of your actual ROMs.

    Try this tutorial:

  3. #3

    Default No good.

    I used that link and still nothing. Would using that GPWTRL have anything to do with it?

  4. #4

  5. #5

    Default Something new

    I followed the tutorial line by line and then made a cdi. Now when i start my disk and launch the inducer, i go to the same black screen with my game lists and that config setup on the top of the screen but when i push start now, the disk resets it self all the way back to the dreamcast loading screen. it still won't play the games. what am i missing?

  6. #6


    Strange. It should be working if you follow the tutorial to the letter. Where are your ROMs located ? And what are they named like ? Do they match the names in ROMS.TXT ?

  7. #7

    Default Problem continued

    My roms are in sbinducr/inducer/gpwt/data/roms. they are still zipped and when i use provlist.exe. they read in the Rom.LST (after i "Replace All" .smc with .zip)as follows: :romname. it show exactly the same in the ROM.TXT wordpad. i was wondering about something: In renamer, should i be clicking "ignore all" when it says the the source string doesn't match the match string? and should i remove the provlist.exe from the list at the bottom?

  8. #8


    Found your problem:

    Quote Originally Posted by [url=]GenesisPlusDC Tutorial[/url]
    Open ROMS.LST in Wordpad and replace ".SMC:" with ".ZIP " (space).

  9. #9

    Default U R A Godsend!!!

    That did it. I haven't been this happy since my kid was born. thanks for everything. now do u have a good tutorial for burning mame4all?( ha ha!) thanks.

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