Apple's iPad could finally be in trouble. Sales of its all-singing, all-dancing tablet, which has been dominating the market since launch, fell from 17 million in Q2 2012 to 14.6m in Q2 2013.
Furthermore, its share of iOS web traffic has dipped below 40 per cent.
Strategy Analytics shows that Android is strangling the iPad, as shipments of Google OS-based tablets secured a 67 per cent share of global shipments in Q2 2013, up from 51.4 per cent in Q2 2012.
In terms of units, Android figures almost doubled from 18.5 million in Q2 2012 to 34.6m this year, while Windows tablets rose from 200,000 to 2.3 million.
Peter King, director of tablets at Strategy Analytics, said: "Global branded tablet shipments reached 36.2 million units in Q2 2013, up 47 per cent from 24.6 million in Q2 2012. The branded tablet market had a rest period as very few new products came to market during the quarter.
"When we add in White-Box tablets, shipments reached 51.7 million units, up 43 percent from 36.1 million in Q2 2012. Android is now making steady progress due to hardware partners like Samsung, Amazon, Google and White-Box tablets which, despite the fact that branded OEMs are lowering price-points and putting pressure on the White-Box manufacturers, are still performing well.
India has seen tablet sales rise by 400 per cent over the past year, while further evidence of the market's growth was seen in as sales in Southeast Asia rose 101 per cent.
Comparatively, worldwide smartphone shipments hit record 230 million worldwide.