New from Play Asia

Master the art of war: Focusing on the armies and battles while de-emphasizing the tedious aspects of base and resource management
Epic, visceral battles on a massive scale: Epic sense of both scale and detail where big demons and huge beautifully rendered battalions clash with thousands of characters
Use environments to your advantage: A variety of buildable features and randomized, destructible terrains such as forests, swamps, plains, and tundra change the shape of the battlefield and add a layer of strategy that provides infinite re-playability
Command heroes and champions: As armies move from battle to battle in an epic war, Heroes and Champions learn new tactics, unlock new abilities, and command larger units even challenge other Champions in a duel
Customise your army: Customization is taken to a new level by allowing for body part swaps, weapon and armour enhancements, and more powerful controls to paint units banners.
Variety of play modes: Cooperative campaign mode and a full assortment of multiplayer modes for both casual and competitive gamers.

Faithful to the Warhammer license, Warhammer: Mark of Chaos puts the focus squarely on the battlefield with a real-time combat system that gives the player unprecedented customization and control of his army. An epic battle rages following a brutal Chaos invasion, where four fully playable armies (Empire, Chaos, Skaven, and High Elves) as well as additional controllable races (Orcs, Dwarfs, Vampires, and Goblins) clash on a massive battlefield.

Over a year has passed since the Great War, during which the brutal Chaos armies swept across the Empire lands. Many fierce battles still rage across the Old World.

Portions of the defeated Chaos armies have retreated to the distant Northern Wastes, while others have fallen to hostile groups. Among these tribes, new Champions rise up in an effort to reunite the Chaos forces, yet eventually all fail. None can match the power of their fallen leader, Asavar Kul.

The united Empire and High Elf forces hunt the Chaos hordes from the Empire territories, still alert because danger lurks around them in the form of smaller enemy warbands that loot the settlements of the border lands.

Now, four powerful armies Empire, Chaos, Skaven and High Elves along with other "dogs of war" including Orcs, Dwarfs, Vampires and Goblins, clash amidst breathtaking scenery in an epic battle for land and power.