The iPhone 5s is a rumoured smartphone widely speculated to be Apple’s next model – possibly an interim and multi-coloured smartphone.
This thus far fictional product run along the just as rumourediPhone 6, which is expected to be the next full-fat new super-phone from Apple.
Estimating new handsets isn’t a total finger in the air situation however – since Apple is fairly regular with its iPhone launches, and not entirely unpredictable with their numerical naming systems either.
To reiterate, both these handsets are pure rumour at this point. But the collective weight of analysis nose tapping, spec leaks and what have been interested as hints from Apple have painted something of a vague picture we might hope bears some accuracy to what Apple finally rolls out the door. Just be prepared to read the word rumour a lot.
iPhone 5s release date
Predictions for when the next iPhone emerges are the dame whether your talking about the iPhone 5S, the iPhone 6, the iPhone Nano, iPhone 5C, or iPhone Galaxy S – a September/October release date would seem to chime with Apple’s metronomic release schedule.
This is coupled with the fact iOS7 – it’s next operating system which is a least confirmed – should emerge around this time too, so a joint launch would seem likely.
Considering we’re in an information vacuum, making any more specific predictions than that could be described as hazardous. No, of course that hasn’t stopped anyone making them.
Rumours site iFun came out with the bold claim: 'The next-generation iPhone will be according to our information on 6 September come on the market. In addition to that day, “two new types of devices” to be available – and thus are not two different colour variations or memory meant. This information can reach us from a very credible and serious source.'
Bold claims indeed. September 18th has also been thrown in the air. And all dates you read should come served with a generous side pinch of salt.
iPhone 5s colours
Once of the most persistent rumours is that Apple will release an iPhone in multiple colours, whether it be called the iPhone 5s or iPhone Light – much like the Nokia Lumia 920/820 range.
This would go against the usually conservative design principles of iPhones past. The early ones didn’t even offer a white version.
However it did go ahead and release the rainbow for the iPod Nano range, so it wouldn’t be an entirely unprecedented move.
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iPhone 5s budget model?
Apple has historically been happy to sit at the high end of the phone market, hovering up lots of margin on the more expensive models, while Samsung, Sony, HTC, Nokia and the rest battle it out for lower ends of the smartphone market.
However internet tittle tattle is rife that the firm will come out with a cheaper phone. One of the earliest signs was that Tim Cook made a few vague hints earlier in the year towards that point, explaining how the iPod has dropped in price points dramatically over the years.
The rumours had existed before that, and the rationale behind them was that Apple would be able to sell them in developing markets, where cheaper Android and Nokia devices tend to do better.
Whether this will be the iPhone 5S or something else entirely (the iPhone 5C has begun to be banded around as a name) remains to be seen. If either emerge at all, of course.
iPhone 5s specs
A number of supposed pics and specs info have bubbled up online to various sources, some apparently from the factory floor.
The most consistent rumours involve a longer battery life, a faster A7 Apple processor, and the inclusion of an extra flash that should help -LED flash that should improve low-light camera performance.
Having said that, if the next model does happen to be some sort of lower cost model, it might not be a dramatic change.