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Thread: Fantasy Writing

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Fantasy Writing, not *that* kind of fantasy. There are lots of sites dedicated to people sharing whatever it is they fancy about buttered shark fins.

    This is a plug for my site. I've asked admins and moderators about if this is okay, gotten no response, and so I'll post this and just see if it gets deleted. I really don't want to cause any trouble. And now, without further ado, the pitch:

    The short version: Check out this fantasy writing site.

    But then, this is a forum. So here, have all the detail you could ever possibly want. I bet you didn't even know you wanted to know this much about our totally KICKIN' site! YEAH!!!! WOOOO!!! Er...damn...accursed typeface. It is so hard to type sarcasm, it's my biggest internet problem.

    Yeah, I'm just here to throw this luscious little tidbit here for you folks.

    I frequent the forum It's a play-by-post RPG site, though it's really more about writing than about any perceived RPG aspect. We've got a metric assload of species, from your classics: Dwarves, Elves, Human, Ogre, and Goblins; to your more specialized: The Cat Race, The Lizard Race, the Since-Genocided Bird Race (sadly, now un-playable); and one race we made up all on our own little lonesome, the Tersids.

    Fou Lu is the world in which we operate, with two timelines to write in.

    Write in the present, where gunpowder and trains have led to a world far more modern (think Renaissance), attempting to find the balance between magic and technology after five centuries of war. Some places have outlawed it entirely, while others merely seek to find peace once more. The Elemental Gods, once distant and acting only through their own personal puppets, have since descended to the earth and walk among the living. Fire, Water, Air, and Earth have long since fought their petty rivalries, and now are taking a more direct route to peace. Their mother, Althena, keeps her eye on the world. And their creator, the father-god, Primus, remains in the sealed realm of the dragons, unconcerned with the troubles of his children and their world.

    Or write in the past, 500 years ago. The Battle of the Apocalypse has been fought, the battle where evil won. Except...instead of a shadow over the land, it's really just a bureaucratic dimness. Rein's Red Army is far too busy fighting against the Seekers, an organization hell-bent on destroying all non-humans, led by the insane (and insanely powerful) Asmodean. There is no technological revolution here. There are the magi and the magic they wield, working with the warriors and their chosen weapon.

    Or, if you're not feeling very epic at the moment, sit back and enjoy some of our best comedy. Though there are some stories elevated to classics for their quality and epic-ness-nitude, we more than welcome any form of writing. Popcorn stories are good fun.

    Write by yourself, or with a partner or two. Review a story in Behind the Words. Or just chill in the Pub, talk entertainment and sports in the Colosseum, or get into something totally deep (have you ever looked at your fingers, man? I mean, *really* looked?) in the Library, or share an outside work. Though we're not as bustling as we used to be, the members here are old, well-worn, kids who all know each other's forum personality like the back of their proverbial hand. We love newbies - we all know each other far too well.

    The world is richly detailed, but there's always more to write. If you're not all about stories, help etch in our new world, fresh from the time-leap to the present.

    There may or may not be punch and pie.

    So check it out. One short writing submission, whether it be an old-school character application or a story-start, and you're in. Enjoy.

    The main page, with handy site encyclopedia.

    The forums.

    Thank you for your time.

  2. #2
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    That is SPAM, no wonder no one got back to you...

    ...Now GTFO my site SPAM.B0T!

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I asked multiple admins and moderators about this site's policy on matters such as this. No one gave me any answers. I was given polite uncertainties - there was no vehement, "No, **** off, we don't like ads like this." And believe me, that's the policy we employ. That's why I asked if what I intended to do was alright.

    I was given no answers, though those who did respond were very polite. I did not even mention my site's URL in my initial query.

    I waited a week before posting this - that is, my first probe into site policy was a week ago. On a bustling forum such as this, that's an eternity.

    If this is unwelcome, then I would have liked to receive such a message.

    I apologize that you so vehemently object to this form of raising awareness - and that's all I'm doing. Spam makes money or links to sites that charge it.

    I apologize again, though I reserve some small thanks. You know, I haven't actually been flamed in a long time. It's quite nostalgic, really. When we had newbies, we'd have long, angry flame wars over all sorts of discussions...those were the days. There was even a Maddox-esque fellow who went on random, highly amusing rants.

    But I digress. I'm sorry that this is such a frowned upon activity. I was not informed.

    ...oh, and sorry for the PAL (Pompous-Ass Legalese) - you know how it is, I don't want to offend anyone, so I stick to overly professional terms. It makes for dry reading, but tends to keep me pretty much out of trouble.

  4. #4
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shatter View Post
    I asked multiple admins and moderators about this site's policy on matters such as this. No one gave me any answers. I was given polite uncertainties - there was no vehement, "No, **** off, we don't like ads like this." And believe me, that's the policy we employ. That's why I asked if what I intended to do was alright.

    I was given no answers, though those who did respond were very polite. I did not even mention my site's URL in my initial query.

    I waited a week before posting this - that is, my first probe into site policy was a week ago. On a bustling forum such as this, that's an eternity.

    If this is unwelcome, then I would have liked to receive such a message.

    I apologize that you so vehemently object to this form of raising awareness - and that's all I'm doing. Spam makes money or links to sites that charge it.

    I apologize again, but I do not feel that your highly rash know, I haven't actually been flamed in a long time. It's quite nostalgic, really. When we had newbies, we'd have long, angry flame wars over all sorts of discussions...those were the days. There was even a Maddox-esque fellow who went on random, highly amusing rants.

    But I digress. I'm sorry that this is such a frowned upon activity. I was not informed.
    GTFO my site, you should have read the POSTING RULES

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I find that while rules may be outdated, people rarely are. The real scoop is to be found with the members, whereas the posted rules may be flawed or simply out of date.

    ...By the way, VampDude, a quick grammar lesson:

    "GTFO my site" is saying "Get the **** out my site."

    Now, if you're speaking in Ebonics or are in a *great* hurry, this is moderately acceptable (See "Get out the way!" or "Somebody set us up the bomb!"). However, the more correct phrase would be, "GTFO of my site." Or, better yet, simply telling me, "Sorry, but we really don't like this sort of thing."

    But what do I know? I'm just a SPAM.BOT, who needs to GTFOOYS.

    ...Jesus, do I sound like a n00b. Everyone's been so damn agreeable recently, I've *totally* lost the ability to adequately banter with people who are only doing their job. Hell, I used to be their wrangler. Newbie-herding is tricky when you've got the dogs baying for blood...we try to at least get them out of the application process before we let the harsher members at them.

    I don't blame you for your response. You're only trying to protect your site from that most annoying of people, posers who join up only to post some sort of message.

  6. #6
    Senior Staff Artist PSPdemon's Avatar
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    BTW, Vampdude, it isnt your site......

    just thought i would let you know.... cause it seems like you think you own this whole entire network... and i would hate for people to come on here looking at this site seeing that you posted...

    GTFO my site
    when it really isnt yours....

    Thanks for Everything,
    404 Error: This signature is missing!

  7. #7


    Shatter, please ignore VampDude's posts, as he is neither staff or admin on the forums. As for contacting us, I myself have never received a message from you, however, making an advertisement as your first post on the site is frowned upon on the community.

    It would be best if you first introduced yourself in the Introduction Thread so that you can make yourself known here at the DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network.


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