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Thread: is a fenix Multiloader/ GP32 emu possible on DC?

  1. #1
    DCEmu Regular
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    Default is a fenix Multiloader/ GP32 emu possible on DC?

    I know that this a bit of a noise, but i decided to say this, so i can get it off my chest. Â*During the short like month or 2, that we've had Fenix for Dreamcast, so we can enjoy more games, i've noticed no "fenix loader", for dc. Â*Is it possible to emulate the GP32 on the Dreamcast, if so, is anyone already working on an emulator, or an environment that will alow multiple fenix/ div games on a disc and easy menu system. Â*i don't know how compatible Fenix and sbinducer are, but i know i've tried getting some of the little guys to work w/ dmomenu, dchakker, and sbinducer, no luck so far. I do not want to seem like a pushy and impatient person, Â* just wondering.

  2. #2

    Default Re: is a fenix Multiloader/ GP32 emu possible on D

    The Dreamcast has a Fenix loader, it's the runtime that loads the single releases that are on this site, the 1st_read.bin is the loader/runtime. To load different games on one CD you'll need to edit the 'Fenix.xml' file appropriately for multiple 'DCB' files, you can also load multiple DC binary files too.

    We'll see if we can put together a nice tutorial over at DCHelp, it'll be available or linked to from over here too.

  3. #3
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: is a fenix Multiloader/ GP32 emu possible on D

    if im well enough before new year i may try to make an ultimate Fenix DC compilation

  4. #4
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    Default Re: is a fenix Multiloader/ GP32 emu possible on D

    cool. get better w. i'll be waiting for it. thx

  5. #5
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    Default Re: is a fenix Multiloader/ GP32 emu possible on D

    I don't mean to pry, but how's that tutorial coming along? or at least a "here's how to edit that thing for more stuff". just curious, thank you.

  6. #6

    Default Re: is a fenix Multiloader/ GP32 emu possible on D

    Sorry, haven't had time to put together a complete tutorial just yet, but here's a quick guide, it contains all you'll need for now anyway (hope I didn't make it too complicated)....

    For example, let's say you've downloaded 'AstroChaos' and 'AntiPong', you now want to put them on one CD. Make a directory on your HD and call it whatever, extract the 'AstroChaos' archive to that directory and you should have:
    Fenix (directory).

    Note: If it's a CDI image in the archive, you'll have to rip out the files, or check again at the site for the plain files.

    If you look within the Fenix directory you'll see 'Fenix.xml' (this is the file you'll need to edit to launch additional games), you'll also see the 'Chaos' directory in there - that's the 'AstroChaos' game (all the game files within it's own directory).

    To add 'AntiPong' to your collection, open up the zipped archive and extract the 'Antipong' directory out of the 'Fenix' directory and into the 'Fenix' directory on your HD. Take a look at the 'Fenix.xml' within the archive also if you wish to 'copy and paste' the info for below....

    Open the 'Fenix.xml' file on your HD with your prefered editor and you'll see:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <?fenix version="0.84"?>
    <games name="AstroChaos">
    <game name="AstroChaos" exec="chaos/chaos.dcb" author="Devilish"/>
    You'll need to edit the the file to something like this:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <?fenix version="0.84"?>
    <games name="AstroChaos">
    <game name="AstroChaos" exec="chaos/chaos.dcb" author="Devilish"/>
    <game name="Anti Pong" exec="antipong/antipong.dcb" author="Chemaris"/>
    At this stage you can repeat the process above with as many Fenix games as you'd like to include in your collection CD.
    You can now burn your CD with your chosen games on there with whatever selfboot method you like. When the CD boots (you'll be given an option for 60hz first), you can then use Left/Right at the menu to browse and START to launch your selection.

    To put a description on the menu screen (it'll show 'no description' by default) use something like this on your 'Fenix.xml' file:

    <game name="AstroChaos" exec="chaos/chaos.dcb" author="Devilish" description="A Cool Game"/>
    To have your own screenshot on the menu screen (it'll show a Sega swirl by default), put a PNG of your choice in the 'Fenix' directory (not sure of the dimension limits - I've used 320x240 though) and use something like this on your 'Fenix.xml' file:

    <game name="AstroChaos" exec="chaos/chaos.dcb" image="myscreenshot.png" author="Devilish" description="A Cool Game"/>
    Obviously 'myscreenshot.png' corresponds to the name of the PNG file within the 'Fenix' directory.

    As soon as time permits, I'll try and get a more complete tutorial together for this.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Regular
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    Default Re: is a fenix Multiloader/ GP32 emu possible on D

    thanx, mon. i'll fiddle w/ this as soon as i have some time, andi'm in the right frame of mind.

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