Motorstorm developer Evolution is readying a huge update for its offroad racer that will iron out all the bugs and add improved functionality to the online mode.

The update, which will be made available for free in May, will change a long list of features, most crucially fixing a glitch that "allowed a player to use boost in an exploitative manner".

The update will also iron out other errors including making it easier to find and join games quickly, improved online stability and a text bug that messed up messages when played on a standard-definition TV.

Extra polish will be added in the form of host-player identification (with a small symbol next to the host's name), and the buddy list has been expanded to a maximum of 50 names.

Unfortunately to all those precious about their stats, a bug fixed with the ranking system means all stat records will be reset to zero. And there's no way around it because you'll be forced to download the update to continue playing online. Oh well.

via cvg