Major UK retailer GAME has been hit by distribution problems with the PS3 version of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, which released on these shores today.

Staff at the Oxford Street branch of the chain told CVG this afternoon that it had no units in stock, adding that a number of its stores are in the same position. They said that they expect to have copies in next week, possibly Monday.

When contacted about the shortage, an Ubisoft spokesperson told us, "As demand for Oblivion has been so high there may be some supply problems with Game and Gameplay, which is why it's temporarily unavailable. However, it still is available elsewhere. Rest assured, Oblivion on PS3 is definitely out today in online and high street retailers."

Yep, other major high street videogame retailers have not been caught in the distribution-problem net. Both HMV, Oxford Circus, and Virgin Megastore on Oxford Street confirmed they have plenty of copies of Oblivion on PS3 in store.

via cvg