via PS3 Fanboy

Sure, the game's not due out for another year, but some teeny, tiny boxart has popped up for the SOCOM-like Rogue Warrior on the PS3.

In Rogue Warrior, you play as real-life ex-SEAL, $#@! Marcinko, and fight in a fake war that has you trapped behind enemy lines in North Korea on a covert mission to assess the threat posed by North Korea's nuclear arsenal as North and South Korea decide to play King of the Hill.

The game plans o diferentiate itself via "contiguous levels using Unreal 3 streaming technology. Central to the game's single and multiplayer experience is the idea of a freeform battlefield, where players are given the freedom to choose how to complete a given objective, allowing for creativity and surprises, rather than heavily scripted events and tightly contained spaces traditionally used in this genre."

Look for this in April... 2008!