Microconsole and cross-platform game sessions added to conference line-up

New talks from Ouya, Nvidia, PlayJam, Playdemic and the BBC have been added to GDC Europe’s Smartphone and Tablet Games Summit.
A panel featuring Ouya CEO Julie Uhrman, Nvidia Shield technical evangelist Phil Scott and PlayJam’s head of games Sameer Baroova will discuss the future of microconsoles, and how they plan to compete in an increasingly crowded industry.

BBC executive product manager for future development Jon Howard will discuss how to engage users who directly interact with their tablets and treat the TV as their second screen.
Howard will also look opportunities available for collaboration in developing TV branded desktop and mobile games, and offer his insights on user behaviour.
Playdemic COO Gareth Jones meanwhile will host a talk entitled ‘Divided Loyalties: Developing and running cross-platform social games’, and will speak on his studio’s experience developing social game Village Life for Facebook and mobile, as well discussing UI and UX issues, technology choices and developer management.
