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Thread: Nintendo scooped Final Fantasy III remake from Sony

  1. #1

    General games Nintendo scooped Final Fantasy III remake from Sony

    via CVG

    The DS remake of Final Fantasy III is about to launch across Europe this Friday, but it could have been a different story if Nintendo hadn't stepped in and persuaded Square Enix to go with the DS.

    The company's original plan was to release the remake on the old, faithful PlayStation 2. But there seems to have been a bit of a last minute bidding war from Nintendo.

    Producer Hiromichi Tanaka told CVG, "Originally we were planning to release the game on PlayStation 2 but Nintendo wanted us to release it on this new platform." Would you rather have it on PS2 or do you think it best suits DS? Let us know your thoughts below.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie RV2006's Avatar
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    Obviously Nintendo,
    I mean it was on the NES,
    so its naturally fitting it should be on another Nintendo console...

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie sonikku88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RV2006 View Post
    Obviously Nintendo,
    I mean it was on the NES,
    so its naturally fitting it should be on another Nintendo console...
    I agree. Plus I'd rather play it on a portable console than on a home console. The game can't be that huge if it was on the NES so why put it on the PS2? Putting it on the PSP with other Final Fantasies would have made more sense if they were gonna put it out on a Sony console. But it's cool they put it on the DS. Makes it look like the PS1 Final Fantasies. =]

  4. #4


    I prefer putting on NDS. Why not give Nintendo a chance? Sony make too many games for them. Its unfair to Nintendo. They have been gone for too long. Its about time, they should make more games on Nintendo console.

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    DCEmu Rookie
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    Well, I suppose that it is all a matter of preference, but I would rather see more of the Square Enix games released on multiple platforms. That way, more gamers would be satisfied and Square Enix could earn a little bit extra from those gamers who refuse to (or can not afford to) purchase every current console/portable system. If Square Enix wants to keep starting bidding wars for their games, they could always release the game on the highest bidder's console/portable system first and release it on other systems at a later date.

    Oh, if Square Enix is reading this, PLEASE port FF7 to the Nintendo DS.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie RV2006's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aryn View Post
    Oh, if Square Enix is reading this, PLEASE port FF7 to the Nintendo DS.
    With Improved Graphics! :thumbup:

    (seriously, cloud looked like he had elephantis half the time)

  7. #7
    DCEmu Rookie Mikaa's Avatar
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    It does make sense that FFIII would have originally been a PS2 project, given that at the time SquareEnix was still siding heavily with Sony (remember, the Big N was personally bringing over the GBA remakes in the States). And given how big an impact that FFIII DS made on the system, I have to say, I am happy.

    Having said that, also keep in mind that SquareEnix probably also noted just how well the DS was selling (especially compared to the PSP - note how it is only recently that they mention their projects on said system just when sales for the thing pick up after a price drop...).

    And SquareEnix MUST have loved the DS, for they are putting Dragon Quest IX on the system (a series that is easiy one of the most sought and obsessed over in Japan).

    Finally, I have to wonder if it is even possible to put FFVII on the DS. It is true that the DS is capable of decent 3D graphics (a la FFIII and FFF: Chocobo). However, even if you stripped out the FMV and diled down the music, you would still have issues loading the whole thing onto one DS cart in its original form. Remember, this was a 3 CD game we are talking about. Now if they took Xenosaga I&2 DS's path and redid the game in a 2D art style with nifty cut scenes and tweaked audio, that would be nice. ^^;

    Though it does confuse me that, while FFVII MIGHT work on the DS, some have argued that FFVIII (that IS 8) could be put on the system. What?

    Sorry. Rant.


  8. #8
    DCEmu Old Pro DanTheManMS's Avatar
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    I'll bet the programmers just *loved* hearing that they'd have to change to a completely different platform at the last minute.

    Granted, I'm glad they went with Nintendo, but I sure wouldn't have wanted to be in that office in the last month or two before finalization.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Newbie CrossZX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RV2006 View Post
    With Improved Graphics! :thumbup:

    (seriously, cloud looked like he had elephantis half the time)
    The final fantasy 3 engine would be fine after all the original game had 4 discs so the graphics would have to be scaled down a bit.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Legend Buddy4point0's Avatar
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    i really think that the psp would have been a much better system for them to reamke all these games on.
    i mean even the higher ones like FFIX would have run perfectly on psp with improved graphics.
    ds just doesnt cut it in my opoinion

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