IBM is putting together a super powerful computer following the model of the human brain.
Once upon a time, IBM made normal things like computers and stuff – but has of late turned its attention to more ambitious projects like creating artificial intelligence type processors like this, using crowd sourcing to predict disease spreads, and last year it announced an adapted super-computer had successfully sent a server engineer back in time 4000 years.
Ok, the last one we made up – but IBM is working on a ‘human like’ artificial brain.
Now, the human brain is an incredible thing (in most cases) – and even the most powerful mega computational constructions that take up an office building can’t hope to emulate the intricacies of your thoughts.
They are still basically adding machines, even if they add up a hell of a lot faster than your abacus.
The principles of how they work hasn’t really changed in 50 years – the ‘if x then do y’ still underpins even the most sophisticated computer.
Not for long - IBM boffins argue that with mega-reams of data ever expanding, we need more complex foundations for our computers.
IBM said in its blog on ‘neurosynaptic chips’: “The cognitive capabilities of the brain includes understanding the surrounding environment, dealing with ambiguity, acting in real time and within context – all while consuming less than power than a light bulb and occupying less space than a two-liter bottle of soda.”
This new way of computing will apparently be more like the way we think – adaptable and contextual process in real time, rather than just straight up number crunching,
Sci fi is replete with human like robot intelligence – and while some are benevolent and curious, like Data from Star Trek, most end up on a murderous human killing spree.
Is that what you want IBM?