Ok, ok, it's just another " I need helps plx" question thread, but I assure you I need that help more than the rest of these losers (yes sarcasm, sorry).

You see my X gave me his used dns for my birthday a while back (way to go re-gifting you dork ). Anyways, I've "played through" all of the games he gave me, that is to say I finished them, and I'd now like to expand my nds knowledge. So I've panned the intarwebs for the past 2 days and tried to soak in as much info as possible, and yes some of it is starting to stick! Alas I have many unaswered questions, so I googled something along the lines of "nds forum bla bla", hey presto I got my self a DCEMU account.

This may sound very pompous and arrogant, but I sort of need to chat with whomever would be nice enough to answer some of my questions... I wouldnt know what questions to put in this post. If I were to chat with someone I could come up with loads of spontaneous(hope I got that spelling right ) questions, and maybe even make a future "goto guy" friend.

Eitherwho, I'm sure you can click the profile button and find my eMail all by yourself, but I will go out of my way to insult your intelligance my typing it straight out: [email protected] (Yes I'm slightly Pokémon obsessive, who isn't! I mean, this is my childhood!)

Thanks in advance!!

PS. If any of you guys ever played WoW on Stormscale EU, you might have seen me hoping around with different Pokémon name characters.

PS2. If this was the wrong forum I'm intensely sorry, most of us have flamed doomed souls for mis placement of posts in the past. I guess it's not all that important, but I'm sorry!