Sony and Coca-Cola have collaborated on a free cross-promotion mobile game called PlayStation All-Stars Island.

The game, which was released today for both iOS and Android devices, is set on an island with four zones, each one containing and endless runner-style game based on a Sony franchise; Uncharted, LBP Karting, inFAMOUS and Gravity Rush.

In each game you're tasked with collecting Coke-branded tokens to build up an experience meter and unlock new challenges that star yet more familiar characters, including Ratchet and Clank, Sackgirl and Jak and Daxter.

For now, it seems, only the so-called Uncharted: Drake's Pursuit portion of the island is available, but the others are promised soon.

"Run at breakneck speed through a tangled jungle of fallen trees as legendary treasure hunter Nathan Drake," reads the official description. "Keep on sliding, jumping and diving over cliffs and raging rivers to escape Drake's ruthless pursuers and collect Coke Zero Drops that will unleash PlayStation heroes and bonus challenges into your game."

In related news, Sony Santa Monica recently confirmed that there will be no more new character or arena DLC for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale on PS3 and Vita.