The PlayStation Vita has become something of a mecca for indie developers with such titles as Hotline Miami, Thomas Was Alone, Retro City Rampage, Lone Survivor, and The Binding of Isaac on (or coming to) the platform, but none of these ports actually enhance the experience beyond opening up the opportunity to play them in transit or in bed (which my cat and I strongly prefer).That's all about to change with Derek Yu's upcoming Vita version of Spelunky which adds one unique feature not available on any other platforms: the ability to move about freely in co-op. This not-so-insignificant detail was revealed on developer Mossmouth's latest blog entry. "On Vita, you can move freely in co-op," Mossmouth confirmed. "On other platforms players have to stay on the same screen."Another major boon to the PSN version of Spelunky is it will support Cross-Buy and Cross-Play. So buying it on either PS3 or Vita unlocks the version on Sony's other platform at no extra charge. The two platforms will also be able to play together, even if only Vita gets that co-op perk about moving freely.Spelunky's PSN release has yet to be dated, but Mossmouth said it'll be a "little while later" after today's Steam release. Speaking of which, our Tom Bramwell called it "perfect" in hisSpelunky PC review earlier today. Now watch him fail at today's daily challenge.