via kotaku

In his 2007 state of the industry report, our favorite analyst suggests that motion picture studios and not we, the gaming public, will ultimately decide the winner of this round of the console wars. Wedbush Morgan's Michael "Really Needs a New Headshot" Pachter speculates that with many of the same titles, the 360 and the PS3 will be battling it out on the DVD front, and he's got his money on Blu-Ray for the win.

As an owner of both a PS3 and now the 360 HD-DVD player (happy birthday to me), I can tell absolutely no difference between the two, so yeah - essentially it would come down to which format gets what movies.

As an aside, you think analysts put side bets on their predictions? Someone should write a suspense novel about an analyst who bets all he has on a company's downfall prediction, and then has to sabotage it to try keep from losing it all. I'll take a special thanks credit.

Anyway, Pachter's prediction for the console wars are Sony with 36% of the market, Nintendo with 34%, and Microsoft with 30%. It's a lovely everybody wins scenario that will drive console fanboys bonkers. Go Pachter!