Ahoy! I recently stumbled upon RPGone's 2003 patch of the Super Famicom Dragon Quest I & II remix. I've never been a fan of the Dragon Quest/Warrior games but I was sucked into Dragon Quest I's simple, yet good game play and its ultra light, yet satisfying story. The game is somewhat difficult and I admit to having to use gamefaq's at one point to figure out what the hell to do. The game is a little short (I beat it in like 3 days) but was still quite satisfying.

The problem with the Patch is that it seems to be a little unstable and crashes every now and again, but I perfer it over the GBC game of the same title due to its improved graphics and sound as well as the fact that the script stays true to the Japanese version (which is almost always better). The SNES version never got an official english release, however, a GBC game was released that is pretty much the same, but without the polished graphics and sound and the dumbed down script because it's far too scary for white children... or something... Check it out!