Samsung’s Android-powered smart watch will be announced two days before IFA, reports Bloomberg.
According to ‘two people familiar with the matter’, the Galaxy Gear, a wristwatch-like device that can make phone calls, will be unveiled on September 4th.
The source also told Bloomberg that the wearable tech will go on sale this year to beat Apple’s highly rumoured iWatch.
The Galaxy Gear is expected to not only be able to answer and make phone calls, but to surf the web and handle emails.
Earlier this year, Samsung’s executive vice president, Lee Young Hee, revealed that a smart watch was in development.
Early rumours suggested that the watch would be named the Galaxy Altius. Which may have been a code name or working title for that device which is now expected to be called the Galaxy Gear.
At the beginning of August, Samsung filed a trademark for the ‘Galaxy Gear’ so it’s safe to say that’s the name they’ll be sticking with.
Samsung isn’t the only firm trademarking a name for its new wearable device. Apple recently went on what appeared to be a trademarking rampage, registering the name ‘iWatch’ in a number or countries, including Russia, Mexico and Japan.