We've just spent the last 60 seconds or so gawping at Crysis multiplayer, which is on show in a brand spanking new trailer that we've uploaded here so you can enjoy too. So, ah, enjoy!

Crysis dev Crytek is pulling out all the stops to make the game's multiplayer component kick serious ass, so it should be a far, far better experience than Far Cry multiplayer was. In fact, the developer's said previously that the team working on multiplayer Crysis is much bigger than the team that produced Far Cry multiplayer, Crysis producer Jack Mamais explaining Crytek is "hoping to make Crysis multiplayer as good as the single-player, if not better."

Previous Crysis previews featuring on the site have looked in length at multiplayer, so be sure to check those out here and here.

A Crysis multiplayer beta is planned, and we're expecting a multiplayer demo - in addition to a single-player demo - to hit the 'net before the game launches.

Trailer Here