Game creators will get close with PS4 and Xbox One, but we’ll have to until the next console cycle for truly photorealistic games, says Quantic Dream founder David Cage.During his GDC Europe talk earlier today, Cage explored themes familiar to those that follow his work, touching on the increasing importance of emotion in games and the merging of cinematography and interactivity. He also showed the audience an impressive live demo of the performance capture tech, running on a PS4 devkit, that is driving the creation of his latest title, Beyond: Two Souls.Wrapping up the session, Cage also suggested that with the advent of PS4 and Xbox One, the industry will get closer than ever to photorealism in games.“I think we are getting closer and closer to photorealistic rendering – we were quite amazed by the quality we achieved with The Dark Sorcerer without any specific work or development, just throwing polygons at the console. That was a very interesting experience for us and we believe it can go much further.“So I don’t know if we will reach a point during this cycle where we won’t be able to tell the difference between a film and a game, but I know that we will get close to that during this cycle. And I think we’ll probably need to wait a little bit longer to reach a point where you can’t tell the difference. But honestly, during the next cycle it’s going to be very very impressive, the progress that we are going to make.”He went onto describe a point in the future where Quantic Dream could create programs and algorithms for its performance capture tech which act as a game’s ‘director’ independently, even taking data from directors like Stanley Kubrick and Orson Welles to ape their directing style.He added that Beyond: Two Souls it represents the culmination of his and Quantic Dream’s work to date, and described it as the most ambitious title it has ever created. He concluded by urging the audience to give the game a chance when it is released on PS3 later this year.