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Thread: Fenix Tetris2 Test Release

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Fenix Tetris2 Test Release

    This is only for those who have CDs to waste, the zip file contains plain and a Discjuggler image.

    I can give no assurances that they work so consider these releases as pure betas, that said if you get them working please post any news about the release with any instructions so that i can post news that they do indeed work.

    (im totally out of CDs for a bit so thats why these are test releases and not to be posted on any site until we know they work)

    Heres the Link

  2. #2
    DCEmu Coder Atari's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fenix Tetris2 Test Release

    On the title menu, START is obviously start game, Y is select, which reboots the Dreamcast, X also reboots.
    Select difficulty by moving the D pad left or right.

    Use A button to rotate the piece, Left and right on the D pad to move the piece, push down to make it fall a bit faster. Y button returns you to the title screen. Game has no sound but works perfect otherwise.
    The World Of Owen Rubin
    Atari Coinop Game Programmer #4

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