Direct from the nfo:
'This quite simply, is a video poker game based on Double Double Bonus Poker.
It was written for my personal bar setup and a custom controller with big
buttons in a line, like a real video poker machine. Playing on a regular
controller is a bit odd at first, but isn't too bad once you get the hang
of it.

I released this because I wanted to give back to the community, and maybe
someone else wanted to run this kind of setup themselves in their own bar


A = Deal/Draw (also will repeat bet after one is made so you don't have to hit bet)

White = Hold card 1

X = Hold card 2

Y = Hold card 3

B = Hold card 4

Black = Hold card 5

Left Trigger = Bet 1

Right Trigger = Bet Max (5)

Start = Insert 80 credits ($20 on a $.25 machine)

Back = Nothing

Note: There is no way of ending this game, a reset is required.'
Hit the usual spots for some gambling fun