Question nr1:

I have the Holux236 GPS receiver attached at my PSP and when using the txt green-backgrounded (GPSlim236), my PSP reads data, shows spped and coordinates.

When I use the MapThis GPS Edition it happens like this:

If i Get my PSP on the GPS Mode (square), even if the receiver is connected and the signal is ok (has 2 green lines.. so I think that's ok), the speed stays on 0, the Lat,Long are as the last point on the map (where I moved with my joystick) and that's all.. I am driving and nothing happens... it doesn't move (only shows me in the same spot ... and I'm not even there).

If I go to the menus and select the GPS Informations, it shows that I am connected (and the correct lat and long - that are changing if I move). Is there a trick to sync the map with my position that is read from the receiver?

It looks like my map has position information attached, when I move my cursor on map, it shows the position of cursor (lat+long).

I must say that the map is NOT from google maps is from microsoft-other-option.

(but anyway, my coordonitates or speed should change on the right part of screen - I think)

Question nr2:
Can't you implement some vectorial-type maps that can be made "on the fly" ? I mean I want to drive and while I am driving the GPS to recorde my route and create my own map (Iasi/Romania doesn't exists in google maps ... so what's my guilt I've been born here !?!?)

And Question nr3:
You have the sources of the program for any distribution. But that's a lot of coding you've done there. Can you create just the basic application that shows the coordinates, speed, altitude ? or gpslim is the simpliest?
