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Thread: xbox bricking help?

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default xbox bricking help?

    hi, apologies in advance this si an absolutely newby post, ive had my xbox 3 hours and i seem to have bricked it already lol.

    Just bought an xbox off ebay, it has a modchip inside (when you get that green wobbly bit at the start it tells you its xecuter2). there is a little circuit board on the front of the xbox itself with a bright blue light and 4 little plastic (switches?).

    The xbox came with xbmp on it, i was advised to put xbmc on instead. got the ftp working after a while and started to follow these directions:

    "1. Find out what the dashboard on your Xbox is (usually evoxdash.xbe in C
    2. Rename your current dashboard to an alternate bootable name. This will be used as a fallback if execution of the new shortcut fails. Consult the table below, or for details on your dash.
    3. Download the XBMC Shortcut XBE and rename it to whatever the dash was named (usually evoxdash.xbe)
    4. Upload the renamed ShortcutXBE (usually to evoxdash.xbe) to where the old dash was. ShortcutXBE is now effectively your dashboard(!)
    5. Install XBMC to somewhere on E: or F: (for example, E:\Apps\XBMC) (Instructions on how to install XBMC can be found under Installing XBMC as an Application)"

    i renamed the old evoxdash.xbe to " evoxdash2.xbe"

    i copied all the xbmc filed to E:\Apps\XBMC as it says here. (it took 2 hrs to o, i dunno if this is normal)

    unfortunately then i just turned off my xbox by accident

    (not following
    "6. Create a file on your computer with the same name as your old boot dash, except with the extension .cfg (probably evoxdash.cfg) and put the path to the XBMC\default.xbe inside it (eg. E:\Apps\XBMC\default.xbe)
    8. Upload the text file you just created to the same place you uploaded ShortcutXBE to in step 4. You should now have two files in your boot dash directory (usually c:\). These files will most likely be named evoxdash.xbe and evoxdash.cfg. The .xbe is the shortuct XBE you (probably) just downloaded, the .cfg is the text file containing a path to XBMC
    9. Reboot"

    Now when i return it on it does the green blob thing and says xecuter2 but then doesnt do anything. Turning on my xbox with the switch( that makes the blue light go on) turned off i jsut get the red circle thign and a screen telling me my xbox is screwy.

    Is this fixable? a friend mentioned a bootdisk, another mentioned taking out the hd, and i also note that theres a serial (or paralell?) port out the back too.

    Any help gratefully needed/
    thx in advance


  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie Balthasar00's Avatar
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    just hold the white or black (can't rememb.) at the boot sequence. (once you turn on your xbox.) then, you will be in the x2 bios dashboard. Do a FTP connection with your PC. you should see your xbox IP in the main screen. Meaby you will have to set a custom one. I suggest you FlashFXP, its a good FTP client for windows. The login and passw by defaut should be ''x2''. I have a Xecuter3 and mine was x3.

    It seams that you didn't remplaced evoxdash.xbe by the XBMC shortcut. However, you did renamed the original evoxdash.xbe with ''evoxdash2.xbe''. Wich mean that your X2 bios fails to find evoxdash.xbe

    With the X3, I can manualy set a dashboard boot priority. 1. xbmc.xbe 2. evoxdash.xbe etc...

    You can meaby do the same. surf in your x2 bios configs.

    you should also google for X2 manual. I saw it once, very well done. Try also xbox-scene.

    Once you succeded to FTP connect via Lan with your PC & Xbox, follow the rest of your guide.

    Mainly : rename the xbmc.xbe shortcut you made by evoxdash.xbe

    You should now be able to reboot and see Xbmc splash logo. (according you didn't changed X2 bios dashboard boot instructions and that you browsed correctly your XBMC directory (in the xbox) when you created the shortcut.)

    Since you have a working X2, there nothing to worry about.

    I you had only a soft mod... you would be quite messed up.

    PM back if you need further assistance. Right now I must leave.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    hey, thx for the help, i tried holding white, black and then white and black but to no avail. hm, jsut something from before - ive remembered that xbmp was a thing that you ran from within..was it veox? evox? somethign like that? it had a few differetn options there like loading xbmp, loading roms, loading the (whatever the xbox equivalent of the xmb is) . would that make a difference? sorry, that only jsut came to mind, its hard to nkow whats relevant and not cause i have litterally no idea. ive tried to look for guides but they seem to be mainly about the initial installation - ill keep looking tho

    hm i dunno - wehn i was on the ftp it jsut let me rename the original evoxdash.xbe, and then i replaced it with the renamed thing it mentions here "XBMC Shortcut XBE and rename it to whatever the dash was named (usually evoxdash.xbe)"

  4. #4
    DCEmu Rookie Balthasar00's Avatar
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    hi again,

    With a X3, when you wana return in the X3 bios config you simply have to hold white button while the xbox boot. But looks like X2 can't do that. Looks like you will have to install a new bios in the others banks.

    You said you have a bios bank switch
    there is a little circuit board on the front of the xbox itself with a bright blue light and 4 little plastic (switches?).
    What does it looks like ?

    I have one too :

    yours should be a little bit different :

    both display the same pins positions for each bios banks, execpted that the ''ON'' mark isin't on same side.

    Now you will have to get a new bios. go to xbins in mirc. google xbins guide.

    finaly you will have to put your bios in chip.

    look in this guide :

    It seams that indeed, you will have to do a flashing disc. Wich will install the bios into your chip.

    XBMP (xbox media player) is the old version of today XBMC. Both can be set as a launch dashboard. In fact, every homebrew emulators, dashboad etc can be launched as a dash.. Its just more wise to set XBMC as the dashboard since its the most complete media player, file browser FTP client, homebrew launcher so far.

    Once again, I strongly suggest you to go to xbox-scene forum in the Xecuter board. I have a X3, and I never had your problem. Meaby there's a much easier way to get access to your dash and bios that I don't know.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    downlaoded an iso which i burnt and then put in and its loaded past that stuck point, i think now with all your help ill be able to work it out from here on. Thankyou so so so much for all your help (that sounds like im being sarcastic, im not, i really am very grateful to you )

    ill get in touch again if i cant manage anything but im past the panicky stage now heh. thanks again, and all the best

    (people can hypothetically pm me if they hypothetically wanted for research reasons to know where i hypothetically might have seen the iso)

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