Roger Levy posted this rather interesting news for all Gamecube and Wii Homebrew Fans:

Forth is the simplest language. 90% of my subroutines are 1 to 3 lines long, containing 5-15 symbols.

I have been developing a brand-new, self-contained programming language based on Forth that runs on the Gamecube. It compiles source code instantly and on-demand, and contains a full run-time environment. This version contains all the necessary support to create 2D games with sound.

Feature Set:

Relies on SDLoad (it's embedded in the disk image)
"Debug Mode" Resolution: 640x480 (YCBYCR)
"Game Mode" Resolutions: 320x240 or 256x240 (YCBCR)
High-resolution and low-resolution graphics can be mixed.
Graphics format: 8-bit paletted, unlimited simultaneous palettes
Software-controlled graphics
1000 16x16 sprites per frame (real-world example)
Alpha blending, scaling, H. flip, V. flip, H.V. flip, rotation, skewing
Low-level control of graphics make a wide variety of effects and combinations possible
Sound: 32khz 16-bit Stereo, software generated, fully configurable for optimal balance of features and speed
Up to 32 sample-based channels
Streaming Audio
"Classic" sample set - NES/C64 style sound
Storage: SD Cards 16-MB to 1GB
Limited FAT16 Support
Stream data from SD Card
Input: Supports any compatible Joystick, Keyboard(via adapter or GC Keyboard), and Mouse(Via PSX->GC adapter and SmartJoy Frag)
Source Code Editor allows you to edit the system's proprietary source code format.
System Font Editor
Graphics Studio
Source visualizer
Memory editor/viewer
Configurable Interrupts
A suite of programmer's debugging tools
Low cost, royalty-free development software
Based on and written in a non-ANS version of the interactive, dynamic Forth language
Fast, compact, and simple source code for maintainability and flexibility
Many features coming soon: 240P mode, dual SD-card support for easy code transfer between projects, music sequencer, audio filters
Three (3) pack-in Example Games sharing a custom-made language and development toolset that can be re-used by novices to jump in right away and get a feel for the system.
With all of these advantages, I hope that my Gamecube Forth, once it is released, will attract the interest of other programmers with the desire to find something superior and the open mind to risk their time and attention on something new. It will be released through a shareware-like system, and it will be accompanied by complete documentation available in pdf format, or a physical book that you can buy.

Project Blog Link: