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Thread: Help with playing better games on ds (Playstation, N64, etc.)

  1. #1

    Default Help with playing better games on ds (Playstation, N64, etc.)

    Alright, ive done some studying and ok i read that the playstation runs at about a max of 2 mb ram, and the n64 i think is like a little over 1 somewhere, wouldnt it be possible with a combination of any single card that allows for emulation play, and if you put in the new memory optimizor that raises the ds ram from like 4mb to 10 mb couldnt you theoredicly run playstation and n64 games on it?

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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  3. #3


    Not really. PSX is out of the question. N64 is theoretically possible if you converted the rom to a DS rom (no, it hasen't been done, and it would be pretty tricky). You might have to scale down textures and such, but technically, it can be done.

    It would take years to do, so I don't see that happening. As for emulation, that is a complete no-go, as you'd never reach near 30 fps (which is what I consider as 'a system is emulated').

    That's my two cents, like I said, theoretically possible, so don't go jumping for joy as I really don't see anyone going through the trouble.

    Take care,
    edit: For those interested, a recompiler would do something like the following: 1) dump existing rom to a pseudo-assembler type language, but possibly higher level (such as plot a point etc.). 2) Take dumped rom data and convert the opcodes etc back into a runnable rom on a different architecture. It is a nice way to do things, but there is still an absolute $#@!-load of stuff you need to keep track of and such to pull something like this off, not something that can be done overnight .

  4. #4
    DCEmu Coder
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    raziel is very very wrong, both are out of the question, the roms cannot be converted, the games would have to be ported which is what nintendo did with Mario 64, and to do that you need source code which only nintendo owns.

    The RAM would deal with the RAM issue, but the Ds's cpu can thandle things like floating point COP1 of the n64 or COP2 vectors.

    You may get PD roms running through a decent emu but never commerical games as Pd roms only usually draw on the frame buffer.


  5. #5
    DCEmu Regular Mr_Biggs's Avatar
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    holy crap man, this would be amazing to have on a DS! Check this thread out:

    read stickies first.

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