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Thread: Over 5 Million Nintendo DS Players On-Line, 200 Million Games

  1. #1

    NDS Over 5 Million Nintendo DS Players On-Line, 200 Million Games

    via Gaming Today

    Despite the lack of on-line functionality in games for the Nintendo Wii so far, the company reports that over 5 Million players have registered with its Nintendo DS Gaming Service since the November 2005 launch of the system. According to Nintendo there have been over 200 Million games played worldwide by those gamers as well - both of which are really impressive numbers.

    "Nintendo DS gamers globally use Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection as an easy, fun place to find fellow players, all without paying anything extra for the service," explains Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime. "The milestones represent millions of hours of fun and camaraderie despite miles between players."

    Lets hope that when the Wii version of the service launches that Nintendo enjoys similar numbers, despite being the last one to the dance. The Nintendo DS remains the top selling console worldwide and in America according to the NPD Group, the organization that compiles retail sales figures, with over 470,000 sold just in America. Anyone up for a quick game of Mario Kart DS or Metroid Prime Hunters??

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Now that they have the internets and the peoples to use them, let's hope Nintendo itself learns how to use it.

    You know, with patches and updates(I'm looking at your DS without WPA support) and a system that doesn't require a number usually reserved for a barcode to play online.

    Don't get me wrong, I have a DS and the Wii is awesome, it's just Nintendo really needs to get an internet clue.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Legend Buddy4point0's Avatar
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    it doesnt supprise me the ds is a huge success

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