A new Kickstarter project wants to bring some of the Wii U’s key functionality to owners of rival systems.
The Cross Plane works by connecting an HDMI transmitter to devices such as Xbox 360, PS3 or PC. This then delivers their output directly to a Wii U tablet-like device complete with standard joypad controls.
Obviously it can’t replicate all of Wii U’s functions, but at the very least it offers a way for users to access their other devices in tablet form.
“The Cross Plane is the first Wireless Video Interface designed specifically with the modern gamer in mind,” the pitch reads. “Utilising a universal control interface and wireless HDMI technology, The Cross Plane brings all your home entertainment devices to you, on your time and where you want to be in your home.
“With a unique controller exchange, jumping from console based systems like the Xbox 360 to the Ouya is as simple as taking out a game cartridge and putting in a new one.
“Though we are excited about The Cross Plane's ability to jump from gaming console to gaming console, what we're really excited about is the Cross Plane's PC compatibility and the freedom it will allow users to break away from their computer desk.
“For the first time, PC users will have to opportunity to "Cut the cord" and take the full power of their machine anywhere in house. That means "Steam" can go with you to the couch or Crysis 3 can actually be played on a handheld.”
Cross Plane is looking to raise $350,000 and currently has 42 more days to run. It currently has 54 backers who have pledged a total of $14,980.
